Sunday, October 30, 2016

There Can Be a Happily Ever After

            When we go through a season of uncertainty and conflict, we tend to forget the good memories and focus on the negative ones. Most of my adult memories seem to center around dealing with Matt and the effects on our family. But every once in a while a memory will creep in of a day long past. 
            Yesterday I stopped by the old Krispy Kreme in East Lake. I had purchased a fundraising ticket from a former student or otherwise I probably never would have ventured there. As I traveled down first avenue, I was shocked at how desolated and run down the area had become. It was almost unrecognizable to me. East Lake Auto was gone, the vacuum cleaner place was gone. Joe and I had our first real "date" meal at Carnaggio's which was just up from El Palacio's, a favorite Friday night meal spot with Joe's mom and dad. They were both gone.
           As I pulled through the updated drive-thru, I had one of those memories that seem so real you can almost hear sounds and smell scents from the recollection. I looked over to the deserted parking lot that had belonged to a Hill's grocery store in 1958. We would often purchase our weekly groceries there while we waited on my Dad to meet us from his job at Hayes Aircraft. We only had one automobile so he most likely had someone drop him off there. 
           For one brief moment I felt like a time traveler. I could remember riding in a buggy inside the store. I remember faintly the music in the background. I could see the older girls pushing miniature sized carts alongside their mommies. There was an echo from the voices of customers and workers bouncing off the high ceiling and the linoleum tile floor.
           My favorite part was looking at the Little Golden books. There was no toy section and even if there had been, we knew not to ask for anything. Money was scarce and we used it to purchase necessities. Occasionally I was allowed to select one Golden Book. I guess it was considered a need since it was educational. With a blink I found myself in the parking lot waiting for Daddy, turning the pages of my book, and learning about living "happily ever after." 
          As I returned to 2016, I realized how momentary time can be. I can look back. If only I could have seen forward from that same spot. Would I change anything? Could I have prevented Matt from going to prison?
         The answer to that is No. God is in control. I have to keep a positive attitude when everything surrounding me is negative. Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. That gives me Hope! I know without a doubt, that trials will come in this world, but I do not have to go through them alone. Just like the stories in my little Golden Book, I have to remind myself that there is a purpose for my suffering and with Christ Jesus I can truly have a Happily Ever After, even if it’s not in this life.