Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Where is the Prison?

        There seems to be a lot of interest in incarceration lately. Sunday’s newspaper had a lengthy article about the deplorable conditions in the Alabama prison system. Television is full of shows about prison lockup and life behind bars. There is even a show now about life in a women's prison. Orange may be the new black, but the men where I visit wear khaki.
        One thing is for sure, our country spends a lot of time and resources on the criminal justice system. It's sad that we spend so much money on reforming prisoners when we could be spending it on educating and training them before they become a problem. I guess that is why the Bible asks us to remember those in prison as if we were in prison with them. God knew we would always have prisoners who need help and the promise of hope.
         I have learned much since Matt's arrest and conviction, but one thing I am certain about: he was in prison even before he was arrested. His life was in a constant state of turmoil because of his addiction. He was afraid of everything. He couldn't sleep. He was unhappy. He had no purpose. His prison then did not have bars, but he was chained to a life of misery and hopelessness. It's no wonder that he tried to take his own life. He saw no other way out.
         I remember the words of one sweet little lady at church who was consoling me right before Matt's court appearance. With a determined voice and a stern pointed finger she reminded me that there are a lot more things worse than prison. Her words have proven to be true.
       God has protected Matt. He has given him wisdom. He has provided words of encouragement from family, friends, and church members. And most importantly, God has allowed him to come clean from a strong addiction even while behind the walls and fences of a maximum security prison.
        I don't know what tomorrow may bring but for now I choose to be
confident of this, "that He who began a good work in you (Matt) will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Thank you Lord for your promise.

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