Sunday, August 23, 2015

Happy Birthday, Matt!

   Today is my son's birthday and I'm feeling guilty about not being there for a visit. Since he has been in prison his birthday has not fallen on a visiting day. We just visited him two weeks ago and I guess I thought I would've been swamped with first of school responsibilities, so I did not make plans.
   I've done all the birthday festivities a long-distance mom can do: text, phone call, presents (money in his account). I just feel bad that I'm not there for a hug. We can't get a cake, but we could celebrate with a honey bun and a Coke.
   I know he will get cards from his church family, but mine will be late. No one realizes how hard it is to pick the right card for a guy in prison. One friend shared her birthday card dilemma with me, complete with pictures.

Can’t Celebrate

Can’t enjoy the good things in life!

Can’t enjoy something good to eat!

I just pray that he can count his many blessings on this day! I know I can find a card that says that.

                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MATT!


  1. I too have a son in prison. Today is his 30th birthday. We visited him two days ago but because of internal problems at the prison our visit was cut short to 25 minutes. I feel so bad I cant be there today, we cant celebrate like a normal family.

  2. I too have a son in prison. Today is his 30th birthday. We visited him two days ago but because of internal problems at the prison our visit was cut short to 25 minutes. I feel so bad I cant be there today, we cant celebrate like a normal family.

  3. I will never ever forget this date as long as I live :) love you!
