Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Chapter 9 - The Detectives


      Early the next morning, I went home to get a shower and change clothes. We had been informed by the Sheriff Department that Matt would be arrested. They have compelling evidence that he had been involved in a pharmacy robbery. They had witnesses who claimed to see my mother’s old Ford Taurus at the scene of the crime. I do not know why anyone would take a car like that to a robbery. It might not start and then what? It was missing all the mirrors and looked like a total piece of crap. But I guess it would suffice at a time of desperation.

     I recall having to retrieve the car after it was impounded from the house. I thought then that I should have just left it there at the junkyard where it had been towed. It cost me at least $150, not much more than the value of the automobile. But they were charging me a daily fee for storage and I am a rule follower. So, I paid the fine and brought it home. I was at least able to sell it for $1100 and recoup some of my expenses.

    When I returned to Matt’s hospital room, I was shocked to see two detectives sitting in his room. They had been in his room most of the morning asking questions. In fact, they informed me that My son had already confessed to the robberies. He sure picked a heck of a time to start telling the truth. There was no attorney present and Matt was barely out of recovery, but there was nothing I could do. I asked if he should have a lawyer present and the detectives informed me that he had agreed to answer questions without an attorney. Lord, what do I do now? I did not even know Matt’s story and here he was telling it to detectives without an attorney present. I had seen all kinds of television shows and even bailed Matt out of jail a few times, but even with my limited knowledge I knew not to talk to anyone without proper counsel.

    I stepped outside the room and called Joe. He was furious and told me to get him to stop. When I entered the room to tell the detectives, they informed me that Matt was an adult and able to make his own decisions. Really? Are they kidding? This was a man child who might have robbed a pharmacy with his grandmother’s Taurus, who had been using drugs since 15 and was functioning at that mental level, who agreed to talk without counsel, and most importantly…. had just come out of a major surgery and anesthesia no less than 8 hours ago.

    The detectives could sense my angst with the situation since I kept interrupting and asking my own set of questions. They concluded the questioning shortly after I entered the room. I’m sure they had enough information to send my son to God only knows where for God only knows how long. I took a deep breath, said a prayer, and continued to hide my concerns. I knew the detectives were just doing their job. I knew that they needed to solve a robbery. What I didn’t know was that they would later try to convict Matt for a series of pharmacy robberies in which he was not involved.

      As Matt lay in the hospital recuperating from his injuries, his dad and I wrestled with the situation and the plans for the future. Since Matt would not listen to us, we combed our minds for someone who might be able to reach his inner thoughts, someone he would listen to, someone he would respect. It’s divine the way the Holy Spirit works at times because Joe and I thought of the same person at almost the same time, a minister friend who just happened to be married to Joe’s boss. He was an older gentleman with a calm nature who was extremely knowledgeable about the Bible. Joe agreed to call Doug first thing in the morning.

      At around 9:30 the next day, Joe received a phone call in his office. On the other line was Doug who was telling Joe what a nice visit he had just had with Matt.  Doug said he had a strong urge to visit Matt in the hospital and had followed through with the nudge. Stunned, Joe replied, “Well, Doug that was just your Boss (God) telling you to go to work. I was just about to call and ask you to visit Matt. What a coincidence!”

      Joe explained that he and I had both decided that Doug would be the perfect person to talk to Matt.  To that, Doug replied, “Well, you know, I don’t believe in coincidence.  A coincidence is just a miracle that happens when God doesn’t want to take the credit.” Joe had never heard that expression before and neither had I at that point. Later that weekend I was preparing for a Bible Study I was facilitating by Beth Moore. As I was previewing the DVD for the lesson, Joe entered the room. Just as he did Beth utters the same words, word for word. “A coincidence is just a miracle that happens when God doesn’t want to take the credit. “Her words brought Joe to a standstill.  Doug was right, there is no such thing as a coincidence.  Hearing those words of assurance twice in three day was simply a little “wink” from God. Even in the middle of chaos, God assures us that He is still in control.

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