Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Chapter 10 - The Prayer Service


    Since Matt was a medical risk and would have to be housed in a medical unit, we asked permission from the courts to keep Matt under house arrest at our residence.  He was released in our custody a week after the surgery. He had not spent time with his dad and me for several years and neither of us knew what the future would be like with an added member in the household.

    Sensing our concern about the living arrangements, a dear friend suggested we have a Prayer Service with our church family. Our church, Faith United Methodist, is small and we have a membership of about 125, with attendance anywhere from 50-80 on a Sunday morning. With little preparation and planning, Polly and our minister, Amelia arranged a service for Friday night at 7:00. We all agreed that corporate prayer was needed and we would pray regardless of the number who could pray with us. Amelia and Polly notified the congregation with a Calling Post message by phone and email for those who had it.

    Joe and I arrived to find some 50 or more members of our church and community ready to take our hands and kneel with us in prayer as we asked God to handle this heartache we were feeling. We asked for guidance and direction from the Holy Spirit and for peace and comfort in the days to come. I was so moved by tenderness and emotions from my fellow Christian friends that I could do nothing but cry the entire time. That body of Christ has prayed unceasingly for Matt and our family and continues to keep all of us in their prayers daily. I thank Jesus Christ for the steadfastness of these people. They have never once made me feel ashamed or embarrassed about my son’s mistake. They are a perfect example of the love of Christ Jesus.

     I consider Matt’s release to us another miracle. His attorney and the law enforcement official all agreed that there would be a very slim chance that Matt would be released to us. After all, he had been accused of a violent crime and these were very serious accusations. And, he had already admitted his guilt. But God had other plans. He came to our house on a Sunday and moved upstairs in the guest room that became his temporary bedroom during his pre-trial period of time.

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